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How to find us

Coming to us from Ireland?

If you’re driving from Dublin or Sligo take the N4 to Carrick on Shannon. Then, take R280 to Leitrim Village which is about 6km from Carrick on Shannon.

We’re only a 45-minute drive from Ireland West Airport, a 2-hour drive from Dublin International Airport and a 2 and a half-hour drive from Belfast International Airport.

There are also train and bus services that operate daily from Dublin to Carrick on Shannon.

There is a local link bus service from Carick on Shannon to Leitrim Village and from Drumshanbo to Leitrim Village, see link to access timetables:

bike hire in Leitrim
bike hire in Leitrim

Coming to us from the UK?

  • bike hire in Leitrim


    Catch a flight from one of these UK Airports: Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool, London or Manchester into Ireland’s West Airport in Knock.

    Alternatively, you could fly into Dublin or Belfast International Airports and
    drive up to us. (See travelling from Ireland)

  • bike hire in Leitrim


    You can either catch the ferry from Holyhead to Dublin or catch the ferry from Liverpool to Cairnryan in Belfast.

bike hire in Leitrim
bike hire in Leitrim

Coming to us from Germany?

  • bike hire in Leitrim

    Catch a flight from:

    • Cologne to Knock (Ireland’s West Airport)
    • Berlin, Bremen, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover or Stuttgart to Dublin
bike hire in Leitrim
bike hire in Leitrim

Coming to us from France

  • bike hire in Leitrim

    Catch a flight from:

    • Lourdes to Knock (Ireland’s West Airport)
    • Other major French cities to Dublin and Belfast International Airport
bike hire in Leitrim
bike hire in Leitrim

Coming to us from Netherlands?

  • bike hire in Leitrim

    Catch a flight from:

    • Eindhoven to Knock
    • Amsterdam to Dublin
    • Eindhoven to Dublin
bike hire in Leitrim
bike hire in Leitrim

Coming to us from Italy?

  • bike hire in Leitrim


    Catch a flight from Milan to Knock. You can also catch a flight from most airports into Dublin and from both Pisa and Verona you can fly into Belfast International Airport.

bike hire in Leitrim
bike hire in Leitrim

Coming to us from somewhere else and need some help with your travel plans

Get in contact with our team today and we’ll be sure to help you out!